Game Programmer

Raven's Cloak
Heavily inspired by early Zelda games, Raven's Cloak is an adventure game where you embark on a quest to revenge your father by taking down the goddess he once served. To your aid you have a sword, an axe, a gun and explosives, and a very secretive old man.​
Player Actions
My focus in this project was the player, including its movement, abilities and tools. I made all the player’s attacks, together with the shooting which was reused for the enemies as well. As it was very important that everything felt smooth and nice to play, I also tested the game very often.
The player’s base actions were a sword swing, a parry, and a dash, so these were my first priorities. When they were implemented, I let our level design team polish them further while I continued on to work on the axe attack och shooting. For the bullets, I chose to use an object pool to be able to easily reuse resources since they are present in the game for such a short time.
During all development, I consistently created tools for the abilities at the same time as I created them, with all the relevant values that could use some tweaking. This was both for my own sake, to be able to test the abilities more easily, but also to let other teammates be part of the design.
I also changed a few of my design choices depending on the requests from the rest of the design team. For me, it is important to be able to hand off decisions and see the value in other people's opinions as well as your own.
I also worked on enabling the story by creating NPC:s, the dialogue system and a cutscene. The dialogue system and the NPC:s were created tightly together, since the main purpose of the NPC:s was to give directions and make the game world feel alive, both by talking to the player.
To help the player find their way we also added signs after some late playtesting, which I decided to simply create as a subclass of the NPC class since they had very similar mechanics. Overall, I felt like I made a lot of cool features, that turned out well with the animations and the rest of the gameplay.